Cooking with Intention, it’s Kitchen Magick!

Author: Chels Holmes

Updated: June 21, 2023

I use intentional cooking every day in my kitchen. Adding ingredients based on health goals, how you want to feel, or what you’re manifesting adds a layer of magick and encourages gratitude for your food. I use astrological correspondences as well as science based nutrition benefits when selecting ingredients and planning my meals.

Read on below for some of my easy tips on how to incorporate intention with your cooking.

Intentional Cooking as Kitchen Magick.

  • So like what do you eat?

    It’s about using fresh ingredients when possible for the nutrients and energy, but know it works with canned and frozen as well if you don’t have access to fresh. I do not adhere to any specific diet, I try to eat foods that make me feel good, energized and nourished that also happen to be tasty. I do LOVE vegetables, and lean plant based out of preference so many of the recipes I share will be easily made as a vegetarian or vegan dish.

  • Three Easy Spice/Herb Mixes

    Savory - Garlic, Onion, Rosemary, Thyme

    Spice - Chili, Paprika, Garlic, Onion, Red Pepper

    Sweet - Cinnamon, Clove, Sugar, Nutmeg, Clove

  • Correspondances

    Many plants, herbs and spices correspond to a specific outcome, situation, or desire depending on the cultural tradition. I like to use herbs that correspond to the planet(s) I’m working with in my personal astrology chart or with important transits at the moment.

  • Nutrition

    Food is our energy source, it is what fuels our metabolic process, so what we put in our bodies is reflected in how we feel. If I’m feeling less energized or more stressed I’ll reach for ingredients that I know support those things. I enjoy being aware of the nutrients in the foods that I eat so that I can choose ingredients based on how they’ll contribute to my wellbeing.

  • What's Cooking?

    So not everyone enjoys cooking.. wild to me but I know many of you and I have to say not all cooking looks like well, cooking. Combining a few ingredients to make a sandwich or salad? You can use intentional cooking for that! Literally ordering a meal for delivery, you can still choose things with key ingredients that you want to enjoy for their correspondences. Intentional cooking is accessible for any and all, use what you have or can easily find and make it your own!

  • Gotta give the credit.

    These are many resources I learn from and reference when selecting ingredients for their correspondences as well as science based physical and mental health benefits. Here are the ones I reference or enjoy the most:

    Books - A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Plants & Herbs by Rachel Patterson; Kitchen Witchery Unlocking the Magick in Everyday Ingredients by Laurel Woodward, Mental Wellness by Thomas, Duckworth, Plum & Lambert

    Podcasts - Mindbodygreen, The Doctor’s Pharmacy, The Lunar Body

  • Collect and Prep Your Ingredients

    Take a moment to reflect on how you want to feel while and after eating this food. Choose your ingredients for their properties and what is most needed to help you in various areas of life including health, relationships, clarity, abundance and more.

  • Imbue your Intentions

    As you combine ingredients focus on the intention behind each one and how it will help you to feel the way you’re intending. Stir clockwise to add in beneficial and positive things, stir counter-clockwise to get rid of or separate from things.